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Međunarodne baze // International databases

Časopis Historijski pogledi registriran je u međunarodnim bazama //

The journal “Historical Views” is registered in following international databases:

C.E.E.O.L (Central and Eastern European Online Library)

ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Science)

MIAR – Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources)


EuroPub – Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals

Academic and Scholarly Research Publication Center

Eurasian Scientific Journal Index

Scientific Indexing Services

Slavic Humanities Index

INTERNATIONAL Scientific Indexing

(click here for the certificate – pogledaj certifikat)


Central European Science Archive and Evaluation

    ResearchBib – Academic Resource Index

CiteFactor – Academic Scientific Journals
Directory indexing of international research journals

Complementary Index (EBSCO host)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)


Electronic Journals Library of University of Regensburg

OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) WorldCat

DRJI – Directory of Research Journals Indexing

OAJI – Open Academic Journals Index

Google Scholar – Bibliographic database


BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine



Crossref – DOI:10.52259/historijskipogledi

General Impact Factor (GIF)

Radovi se mogu pronaći ukucavanjem imena i prezimena autora ili naslova rada na engleskom jeziku // Papers can be found by typing the name and surname of the author or the title of the paper in English

Semantic Scholar

ScienceGate: Academic Search Engine

JISC Sherpa Romeo

Dimensions Digital Science

Scilit – Scientific Literature

Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI)

Ulrichs Periodicals Directory – Bibliographic database

Researcher.Life – Global Journal database

Radovi se mogu pronaći ukucavanjem imena i prezimena autora ili naslova rada, ključnih riječi ili DOI broja rada // Papers can be found by typing in the name and surname of the author or title of the paper, keywords or DOI number of the paper.

Scite_ database

KindCongress – World With Science

SJR – Scimago Journal & Country Rank

HJRS HEC Journal Recognitin System

Jouroscope® – Global Directory of Scientific Journals & Calls For Papers

Pristup časopisu putem web linka – kliknite na logo (u opciji pretraživanja unesite ISSN u formatu 2712-0651) // Access to journal by using  web link – click logo (kindly enter ISSN in the format of 2712-0651 in search option)

International Innovative Journal Impact Factor  (IIJIF)

ROOTINDEXING Journal Abstracting and Indexing Service

ZDB – Zeitschriften Datenbank


ABCD Index – Academic Business Current Data Index

OpenAlex – Open index of the global research system


ASCI – Asian Science Citation Index